Californian Landscape Saint Johns Ranch of Mountain Shasta County
by Irina Sztukowski
Buy the Original Painting
14.000 x 10.000 inches
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Californian Landscape Saint Johns Ranch of Mountain Shasta County
Irina Sztukowski
Painting - Watercolor
Sweet rural landscape on a sunny day. The clouds just started collecting and later on they will burst into the rain; but, for now it is a peaceful place at St.John's ranch in Shasta County, California. The range of the mountains in the back picked up the colors of the sky, fields, clouds, and Fall oak trees. The road will bring you to the hay barn full of hay bales a sign of the hard farmers' work. But by now there is not a sound of the machinery, only birds are signing and the cows are mooing far far in the field.
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October 18th, 2013
Comments (29)
Irina Sztukowski
Many thanks to the Art Collector from Pleasant Hill, CA for purchasing original watercolor painting! Irina
Doug Kreuger
Love your country landscapes, they pull me in and evoke many pleasant memories... L&F
Irina Sztukowski replied:
Thank you so much Doug! This particular painting was done Plein-Air style.. I believe it does bring freshness to the art when artist paints outside :). Have a great productive day! Irina
Tony Clark
I must have missed this one somehow Irina. The texture of the grass is perfect, the colors in the mountains..... its all fantastic. :)
Irina Sztukowski replied:
That day when I painted this plein-air piece was so exciting Tony. It started with 20 degrees , then moved to 60s and at the end the pouring rain chased me away, just to save my watercolor :). Irina
Jordan Blackstone
Congratulations! Your work is being Featured in CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Awesome work! twt
Irina Sztukowski replied:
Dear Jordan! Many thanks from the bottom of my heart! :0) I am going to boast off and brag brag about it on my FAA blog :0) Irina
Jordan Blackstone
Irina, your work always cheers me up!! So very beautiful!! v/f
Irina Sztukowski replied:
Dear Jordan!! Many thanks! I am always grateful when artists comment! Thank you, Irina
Randy Rosenberger
Irina, a totally awesome watercolor painting of this grand scene! I love the colors and the textures and your depth and perspective are right on the mark! fave and vote
Irina Sztukowski replied:
Dear Randy! Thank you so much for such lovely comment! I really enjoyed painting this scene. Have a great day, Irina